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专题 | 通过身体活动改善金砖国家的公共健康









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发表于 2019-11-15 22:09:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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【美国亚利桑那州立大学营养与健康促进学院运动科学和健康促进项目杰出教授 Barbara E. Ainworth】
Improving BRICS’s public health and wellness through physical activity

2009年,美国南卡罗来纳大学杰出名誉教授Steven Blair博士预测身体活动不足将是21世纪最大的公共健康问题。公共健康问题影响着巨大体量人口的健康和幸福问题。如果不将其视为社会共同责任,该问题将变得更加严重并危及人们的健康。Blair指出,身体活动不足和心肺适能低下所带来的不利影响将引起高风险的全因死亡和心血管疾病死亡,如果能每天步行30分钟,每周至少参与5天,一些可预防的死亡和残疾或能避免。一项针对168个国家190万人进行的跨国人口研究显示,2016年全球身体活动不足的流行率为27.5%,且此数值自2001年来居高不下。因此,需要在社会范围内迅速、有组织地开展多学科工作,让人们运动起来,以此作为健康生活方式的一部分。



Citation: Ainsworth BE, Li F, Durstine JL. Improving BRICS's public health and wellness through physical activity. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:503–4.

Dr. Barbara Ainsworth
She is a Distinguished Professor and International Dean of Kinesiology at the Shanghai University of Sport and a Regents’ Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University. Her research relates to physical activity and public health with focus on the assessment of physical activity in populations and the evaluation of physical activity questionnaires. Dr. Ainsworth is best known as the lead author for the Adult Compendium of Physical Activities, an exhaustive list of the energy cost of human physical activities. Dr. Ainsworth is a Past President of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Academy of Kinesiology. She is a recipient of the ACSM Citation and Honor Awards and the SHAPE America McKenzie Award. In 2015 she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. She is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS).
Dr. Fuzhong Li
He is a native of Shanghai, is a Senior Research Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute. He received an M.A. from the University of Oregon and his Ph.D., specializing in sport and exercise psychology, from Oregon State University. His main research areas are physical activity, falls prevention, and mobility in aging populations. Dr. Li's research has been supported by multiple long-term research grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA and has appeared in leading research publications including the New England Journal of Medicine, the American Journal of Public Health, JAMA Internal Medicine, JAMA Network Open, the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, the American Journal of Epidemiology, the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Dr. J. Larry Durstine
He is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina. After earning his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology/Biochemistry and Medical Physiology from the University of Toledo and The Medical College of Ohio at Toledo, Dr. Durstine came to the University of South Carolina in 1982 remaining there for his entire career. Throughout his career, Dr. Durstine has sought to better understand the role of physical activity and exercise in the management of chronic disease. For most diseases, daily physical activity or prescribed exercise reduces disease risk while enhancing primary prevention and secondary disease treatment/prevention. He has published 100 peer-reviewed research manuscripts and has written and edited 9 professional books and more than 40 book chapters. He is committed to professional service and is a Past President of the American College of Sports Medicine. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS).
对“金砖国家运动与体育科学委员会(BRICSCESS)— 一个新时代已经来临”的评论
Commentary on “The BRICS Council of Exercise and Sport Science (BRICSCESS) — A new era has dawned” that has been published on JSHS
  • 非传染性疾病和身体活动不足在金砖国家中正日益引起关注

  • 金砖国家体育科学委员会(BRICSCESS)是一个与时俱进的组织,旨在提高人们对体育锻炼不足对健康的影响以及对金砖国家影响的认识

  • 金砖国家体育科学委员会代表一个新时代,它为金砖国家人口提供协调一致的方法以促进锻炼、身体活动、运动和健康的生活方式

Citation: Ainsworth BE. Commentary on “The BRICS Council of Exercise and Sport Science (BRICSCESS) — A new era has dawned” that has been published on JSHS. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:505–6.

Dr. Barbara Ainsworth
She is a Distinguished Professor and International Dean of Kinesiology at the Shanghai University of Sport and a Regents’ Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University. Her research relates to physical activity and public health with focus on the assessment of physical activity in populations and the evaluation of physical activity questionnaires. Dr. Ainsworth is best known as the lead author for the Adult Compendium of Physical Activities, an exhaustive list of the energy cost of human physical activities. Dr. Ainsworth is a Past President of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Academy of Kinesiology. She is a recipient of the ACSM Citation and Honor Awards and the SHAPE America McKenzie Award. In 2015 she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. She is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS).
Physical activity and the prevention of chronic illness in the BRICS nations: Issues relating to gender equality
  • 在金砖国家中,70%以上的全因死亡都归因于非传染性疾病

  • 在过去20年中,这些国家的身体活动水平,时间投入和能量消耗均发生了显著变化

  • 在这5个金砖国家中,有4个国家的身体活动存在着明显的性别差异,这些差异在很大程度上反映了这些国家的总体性别不平等

Citation: Mielke GI, Brown WJ. Physical activity and the prevention of chronic illness in the BRICS nations: Issues relating to gender equality. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:507–8.

Dr. Wendy Brown
She is Professor of Physical Activity and Health in the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Queensland. Her research focuses on the behavioral epidemiology of physical activity, sitting time, and weight gain across the adult life span, with emphases on women, working adults, retirees, and those with chronic health problems. Wendy has published numerous papers in the peer reviewed literature, and in books, monographs and the lay press. Many of her papers are cited in government and peak body policy documents which guide prevention and health promotion efforts, in Australia and internationally. Wendy was a founding Board Member of the International Society of Physical Activity and Health. She has served on the Boards of Sports Medicine professional bodies in both the USA (ACSM) and Australia (SMA), and is regularly invited to speak at national and international conferences. Wendy was a founding researcher with the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health, which has been tracking (among other things) activity, sitting, weight change, and health outcomes in adult women for the last 23 years.
BRICS nations and the opportunities for community physical activity interventions
  • 迅速的城市化及其对环境的影响已经向金砖国家居民的健康和幸福提出了挑战

  • 身体活动应该成为一级预防和二级预防的优先公共卫生目标,因为在金砖国家中慢性病和心血管代谢风险因素的患病率很高, 体育锻炼应成为一级预防和二级预防的优先公共卫生目标

  • 金砖国家可以前瞻性地借助科学证据来提升身体活动的环境和政策支持

  • 社区成员互动并且融入文化的身体活动干预更有可能取得成效

Citation: Garber CE. BRICS nations and the opportunities for community physical activity interventions. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:509–11.

Dr. Carol Ewing Garber
She is Professor of Movement Sciences and Education and Chair of the Department of Biobehavioral Sciences at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she also serves as the Director of the Graduate Program in Applied (Exercise) Physiology and Director of the EXerT Clinic for Exercise Testing and Prescription. She is a clinical exercise physiologist who studies the benefits of exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases across the lifespan—from toddlers to older adults—and her work targets people living in low-resourced communities. Professor Garber is a Past President of the American College of Sports Medicine, and she is a recipient of the 2019 Citation Award from that organization. She is the author of over 130 published articles and book chapters.
Physical activity and prevention of chronic disease in Chinese youth: A public health approach
  • 在中国学龄儿童和青少年中,在校内外时间达到身体活动推荐水平的比例在过去几十年中不断下降

  • 目前针对中国学校促进身体活动的政策主要是“单一方法”且收效甚微

  • 在公共健康模式下从综合的社会生态学角度重新评估此问题,为开发有效且适合本土文化的干预措施提供了更大潜力,从而增加中国青少年的身体活动

Citation: Li F, Mao L, Chen P. Physical activity and prevention of chronic disease in Chinese youth: A public health approach. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:512–5.

Dr. Fuzhong Li
He is a native of Shanghai, is a Senior Research Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute. He received an M.A. from the University of Oregon and his Ph.D., specializing in sport and exercise psychology, from Oregon State University. His main research areas are physical activity, falls prevention, and mobility in aging populations. Dr. Li's research has been supported by multiple long-term research grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA and has appeared in leading research publications including the New England Journal of Medicine, the American Journal of Public Health, JAMA Internal Medicine, JAMA Network Open, the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, the American Journal of Epidemiology, the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
The impact of health expenditures on public health in BRICS nations
  • 随着经济的快速增长,巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非(金砖国家)现在正面临人口老龄化和非传染性疾病患病率上升的问题

  • 在金砖国家中,医疗保健支出在经济中所占的份额正逐步增长,这成为政府建设人口健康和医疗保健系统的重要努力方向之一

  • 即使健康费用在增加,在这些新兴经济体中,如何平衡好促进公共卫生,控制非传染性疾病和改善人口健康之间的需求仍然存在重大挑战

  • 金砖国家拥有巨大的潜力接纳促进身体活动和健康生活方式的公共卫生议程,并将其作为金砖国家公共健康政策的一部分,从而改善人口健康并减轻非传染性疾病的负担

Citation: Jakovljevic M, Timofeyev Y, Ekkert NV, Fedorova JV, Skvirskaya G, Bolevich S, et al. The impact of health expenditures on public health in BRICS nations. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:516–9.

Prof. Mihajlo (Michael) Jakovljevic
He (M.D., Ph.D.) is an appointed WHO EACHR Committee member in advisory capacity to the Cabinet of WHO Regional Director for Europe. He is a Health Economist, Clinical Pharmacology Specialist, and a Full Professor heading the Department of Global Health, Economics, and Policy at the University of Kragujevac, situated in a historical capital of Serbia. Currently he remains engaged as a Visiting Research Fellow of the Division of Health Economics at Lund University, Sweden, and an external network affiliate of the CHTF IHME University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Currently he serves in various Editorial roles on behalf of several prestigious journals: Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, Globalization and Health, Frontiers in Public Health,Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, and Journal of Medical Economics. For his deeds and professional standing, in spring 2015 he was the only nominated candidate for the International Health Economics Association (IHEA) Board of Directors Elections, based in Eastern Europe. Professor Jakovljevic’s long-term focus of interest remains on health financing and affordability issues in the emerging global markets.
BRICS to BRICSCESS—A perspective for practical action in the promotion of healthylifestyles to improve public health in -five countries
  • 金砖国家体育科学委员的职能是促进各项任务的完成,例如在机构和组织之间建立联系;建立积极和可持续的未来领导者/志愿者计划;促进国际学者之间在研究、教学和指导等方面的合作;开发和组织研讨会、讲习班、专题讨论会、圆桌讨论和培训课程;以及发布与锻炼、身体活动、运动科学、生活方式管理和营养相关的新科学信息

  • 金砖国家体育科学委员的主要任务是建立一个积极且可持续的未来领导者/志愿者计划,来指导运动科学和生活方式管理领域的年轻学者

Citation: Chin M-K, Anderson E, de Ridder JH, Uvinha RR, Durstine JL. BRICS to BRICSCESS—A perspective for practical action in the promotion of healthy lifestyles to improve public health in five countries. J Sport Health Sci 2019;8:520–3.

Dr. Ming-Kai Chin
He is the Vice President, Global Affairs and Research, HOPSports, Inc., USA and received his Ph.D. in exercise physiology at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in 1985. As an editor of 8 books and author of over 200 publications in scientific and sports journals in English and Chinese, Dr. Chin has offered over 140 keynote and invited presentations, and over 90 conference paper presentations internationally. A Fellow of AIESEP and Research Consortium of SHAPE America, he is one of the 4 Founders and Former President, Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) and was the Editor-in-Chief of Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science (AJESS) from 2001–2015. In 2015, Dr. Chin was awarded the Medail of Manuel Gomes Tubino by FIEP and has been elected as the Founding President, BRICS Council of Exercise & Sports Science (BRICSCESS) and is the Founder and President, the Foundation For Global Community Health (GCH).


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